Our Client:
A FTSE 350 Financial Services business required insight and proactive, external talent mapping and pipelining in support of a proposed change in its Head Office location. Our client needed data to support future workforce planning and any associated recruitment activity in a new region of operation. There was also a need to explore and determine the attractiveness to prospective talent of the organisation and its new location.
Our Solution:
We created an insight, mapping and pipeline project. We started by talking with a range of stakeholders to understand the extent of prospective requirements, risks, and budgeted investment for the change in location. We also spoke with other employers in the new region of operation and to the local chambers of commerce and tourist board. We took time to understand all client initiatives to date to ensure we explored new avenues to talent for our client and to avoid duplicated efforts.
Given the broader change and transformation project that the organisation was undertaking, it was apparent that the entire insight and pipelining project would need to be handled with sensitivity and confidentiality. There was to be no open advertising in support of populating talent pipelines and all research and talent pre-qualification activities would need to be carried out in a confidential manner.
An earlier insight project that SD conducted for our client highlighted a lack of same sector talent prepared to move to the new office location. Therefore, our focus became identifying organisations within the region, that held similar values, reward behaviours, and competencies as our client. Using this as a basis of our talent research we were able to identify and engage the talent who presented a best chance of success in transferring into our client’s sector and who would be prepared to learn and master a new, specialist area of knowledge.
We also collected insight and data on reward structures in the region, perceptions of our client’s employer brand, and who were our client’s competitors for the same talent.
Following a research and engagement process we organised and conducted two assessment days in our client’s new location, during which we met with talent across a range of levels at which our client would be recruiting, as roles were confirmed during the change and transformation project.
The Outcome:
We presented a range of insight across areas pertinent to our client. We also presented three pools, or pipelines, of engaged, prospective talent to our client for continuing engagement and selection to a series of client-led assessments and interview activities.